Human Resources Policy
TEMSAN YAPI ve MAKİNA ENDÜSTRİ A. Ş. intends, aware that all phases of the metal sector, production being in the first place, ground on human labour, to maintain its operations as the company which creates high added value for sustainable growth, where the most successful professionals work, and of which the operations all shareholders are proud to be a part of.
Within this scope, our company’s human resources policy is executed in accordance with the below-listed fundamental principles:
- Increasing the organizational efficiency,
- Finding the right person at the right time for the right job,
- Maintaining our structure complying with our sector’s dynamics and being proactive, and
- Regarding our human resource as an element that creates an advantage of competition.
In the human resources practices of TEMSAN Yapı ve Makina Endüstri A. Ş.;
- It does not discriminate between races, religions, languages, or genders, and it provides equal opportunities for persons under equal conditions.
- The criteria for personnel recruitment are determined in written, and these criteria are respected.
- Employees are treated fairly in all rights provided, and training programs are implemented and educational policies are made in order to improve the employees’ knowledge, skills and experience.
- Decisions made in connection with the employees or developments related to the employees are notified to the employees.
- Job definitions, and the criteria for performance and rewarding for the company employees are notified to the employees. Efficiency is considered when determining the wages and other benefits provided for the employees.
- The employees are provided with a safe environment and conditions of working.
- Measures are taken to protect the employees from in-company physical, mental and emotional abuse.
- The employees are selected particularly in the promotions and appointment for critical positions according to their tenacity to develop themselves, their performance and their loyalty to the company.
- Where it is foreseen that the changes of duty of the managers might cause disruption in the company management, a subrogation planning is conducted to determine those to be appointed as the new managers.
Recruitment Process
Unit Managers complete and have a Personnel Requirement Form approved by the relevant Deputy Director General in the event that there is a requirement of personnel subject to the norm staffing prepared as a result of job analyses. The Human Resources publish on the Internet a text of announcement prepared based on this form through online career websites, and candidates having the necessary qualifications, among the applications made, are collected in a pool of interview.
Interviews based on technics and competence are applied in terms of the capability, experience and abilities required by a position, and the candidates are determined to be submitted to the approval of the top management.
Applications of the candidates failing to be evaluated for a current position as a result of the interviews are stored and tracked in a database to be evaluated for other positions. All candidates are provided feedback about the process.
Candidates having met the determined criteria and having successfully completed the steps of interview are talked to face to face, and offered a job officially.
Any employee recruited at TEMSAN is subject to a trial period of 2 (two) months. At this phase, their process of development is monitored by evaluating them based on the criteria for professional knowledge and skills. At the end of this process, the employees who succeed continue their job.
Career Management Process
TEMSAN employees may move to a higher level within the organization or to another title believed to be deserved in terms of competencies as a result of the status evaluations made at the end of every year in accordance with the career objectives.
Performance Evaluation
TEMSAN employees are evaluated according to the performance criteria, which assess and evaluate their individual success and their behaviour over a period of time, prepared in accordance with job analyses and job definitions.
The results of the performance evaluation about which feedback is provided for the employees twice a year (once six months) provide objective evidence for the Career Management Process. These are among the definitive factors for the employees’ promotions, appointments, and wage rises, etc.
Corporate Training Process
At TEMSAN, the Corporate Training Process starts with providing the recruited personnel with an orientation training. It is ensured that the newly-recruited employees adapt to the work processes as soon as possible by being subject to an intensive on-the-job training process within the trial period of 2 (two) months.
Our annual training plan is formed in accordance with our company strategies through a study conducted with participation of the unit managers at the beginning of every year.
Opportunities of Internship
We provide students with an opportunity of internship at our company within the scope of University/High School-Industry collaboration and of our social policy. Interns who perform well and whose potential we believe in will have the chance to work with us in the future.